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A ruly fruitful collaboration. Content marketing consultancy: strategic leverage for upskilling There is insistence on the lack of digital skills in Italian companies. But it's not just talk: the data confirms it. According to the DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index), an index that tracks the degree of digitalisation of the Member States of the European Union, Italy remains in third to last (!) place on the digital skills scale n 2020. Only 15.2% know.
How to offer companies advanced digital skills, compared to the 19.5% European average. DESI 2020DESI 2020. Who has the most digital skills in Europe ? So what to do? It is necessary to really use all the assets available to upskill eve through non-canonical Job Function Email List training channels. This is where outsourced digital services come into play, such as data analytics consultancy, cyber security or, indeed, content marketing.

Training begins with the relationship with the consultants Consultants are professionals who face and resolve the problems of many, many different companies within a limited area of knowledge during their working day. Let's take, in our case, the example of a content marketing consultant : his daily life is dotted with quick Q&A sessions with clients on specific topics, from which image is the most impactful for the new post being published.